State / Province:
Marital status:
Piano teacher
I can't believe that 50 years seem to have passed in the blink of an eye! I'm so impressed with the interesting lives you all are living and am hoping to see all of my old friends at this reunion.
Grammar (feeder) School:
Division Teacher:
Emanuel Jacobson
No. of Grandchildren:
7 (1 boy and 6 girls)
Your Favorite Piece Of Wisdom:
We go through life constantly surrounded by opportunities--cleverly disguised as problems.
My Life Since Senn ...:
I attended the U of I in Urbana, earning a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Ed. (Plan B) in 1963, married three days after graduation (too young) and taught first and second grades at Ravenswood School in Chicago for three years. Then retired to become a full-time mom to three great kids--Greg (1966)-now a violinist with the Highland Park Strings and in business with his brother Rick (1970). Together they own and run a large national staffing and search organization. Jackie (1968) is now a very special Special Ed teacher at Ravinia School in HP, where she and her brothers attended school as children. The boys live in HP and Jackie lives in Vernon Hills.
The kids were growing up, my former husband and I divorced, and I went back to school, earning a Master's degree in Piano Pedagogy (back to Plan A--music--should have done it in the first place). On the way, I met and married Allen Anderson, a concert pianist and Professor of Piano and related subjects at Northeastern Illinois University--now Professor Emeritus and teaching part-time as a visiting lecturer. We've been married for 26 years and this time I got it wonderfully right! I've been teaching piano for 30 years, (studio in our Glencoe home for the past nine years). We both love teaching and making music and for now have no desire to retire. We're so fortunate to have each other, and to have our children and grandchildren all living so close to us. We are active in our synagogue and enjoy traveling, attending theater, opera and concerts, bicycling, and seeing friends. I am very grateful for every precious day and try to make the most of each one.
Last edited:
2023-10-12 16:34:13